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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Crane accident kills 9, Nairobi_Breaking News Kenya

 At least 9 people were confirmed dead after a crane collapsed at a construction site in Nairobi’s Hurlingham area.

According to police reports, the body count is currently  at  nine. What know so far is that, six Kenyans and two Chinese have been confirmed to be diseased, it is still unclear whom the ninth is.

Kilimani police chief, Andrew Mbogo earlier told the press, “We have lost 8 people..... they include two Chinese and six Kenyans.”

More Reading: The Unlucky Man

The 14-storey building where this happened, was actually an  almost complete hostel building near Daystar University, Valley Road, meant to be manned by Qwetu.

Joseph Aketch an attendant to a nearby petrol station recounted, 

I just heard people screaming and people were looking at the direction of that crane which was already down,... the place is sealed they are not allowing people inside but I am told it has killed people.”


Another witness, Michael Odhiambo, present at the site reported that the crane crashed as it was being dismantled, 

Some people were up on the crane dismantling it when it crashed,”

 Odhiambo further said, 

“it is like they did not balance the weight well and it is unfortunate because eight people are now dead and two have been taken to hospital."

Rescue efforts continue as we await further information. We send our heartfelt condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones. 

Friday, August 20, 2021

A Wife:Poem by William A

Tears of a neglected wife

A Wife’ by ‘A’ [William Allingham],

in Once a Week)

The wife sat thoughtfully turning over

A book inscribed with the school-girl’s name;

A tear – one tear – fell hot on the cover

She quickly closed when her husband came.

He came, and he went away – it was nothing –

With cold calm words on either side;

But, just at the sound of the room-door shutting,

A dreadful door in her soul stood wide.

Love, she had read of in sweet romances, 

Love that could sorrow, but never fail,

Built her own palace of noble fancies,

All the wide world a fairy tale.

Bleak and bitter, utterly doleful,

Spreads to this woman her map of life;

Hour after hour she looks in her soul, full

Of deep dismay and turbulent strife.

Face in both hands, she knelt on the carpet;

The black cloud loosen’d, the storm-rain fell:

Oh! Life has so much to wilder and warp it, 

One poor heart’s day what poet could tell?

‘A Wife’ by ‘A’ [William Allingham],

in Once a Week)

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Business Vs Job

 What's Better than a Salary

If for whatever reason, you were ever presented with two income generation avenues, 

Formal employment; with an assured relatively 'good', agreeable and consistent paycheck.... 


A business opportunity; an investment prosition which eventhough is retrospectively risky if properly implemented, bears long term projections of exponential growth into unimaginable heights of financial affluence...

Which would you opt for...? Does it not go without saying..? 

In my perspective, and I bet that you to would agree with me, a significant number of us would gladly opt for the Job offer while easily forfeiting the business opportunity. This is sure nothing new in today's society. In fact it is actually obvious that most of us prefer working for a wages rather than take the, pressumably, tedious task of innovatively facing the market head-on with enterprising ways to generate an income.

 By this I mean its more enticing to be a cog in someone else's entrepreneurial scheme, in the the pursuit of developing financial stability rather do it ourselves, be our own boss.

Which begs the question... Is it because most people do not know that there is potentially more money more oppotunities, flexibility and independence in BUSINESS than in these covetted 8 to 5 'jobos'?

In the pursuit of answers, I came across these words, said by the author of 'Rich dad, Poor dad', Robert Kiyosaki and I quote..

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Today In History:The Unlucky Man Who Discovered Gold.

The Ironic Story of the man who discovered Gold today:

The 24th day of January

Did you know?

On a day, in the year 1848, this is 150 years ago,an American called James Wilson Marshall allegedly discovered gold in California. 

Although Marshall’s gold discovery  arguably began the modernization of California.
Not that many people know about J. W. Marshall’s, who ought to have been one of the richest people in history, thanks to his great discovery...from which, ironic as it seems, he did not profit; and actually died with assets barely sufficient to cover his funeral expenses!!? Tragic, huh?
The events that set the world in motion to the new El Dorado began almost by accident, when John Sutter decided to build a sawmill in partnership with his employee, James Marshall, whom had convinced him that it would turn out a good profit.

The perfect cite for this project was selected by Marshall, on the Sierra Nevada foothills on the south fork of the American River, 45 miles northeast of Sutter’s Fort, near a Maidu Indian village called Cullumah (Coloma).
Sample of James W. Marshall discovered

His early years were marked by conflicts with his stern Baptist father and rejection by two young women, each of whom he had hoped to marry. Marshall never did marry.
In 1848, the year of this discovery that they initially attempted to keep secret obviously not good enough to enjoy the spoils exclusively...., Marshall and Sutter tried to claim ownership of the Coloma property so as to be able to charge commission for any gold found by other miners, but it was all in vain as they made little to no profit out of this ploy.
 By the end of that year he was forced to sell one third of his timber and mill rights to raise money. James, haggled with the eager prospectors, which so forceful that they became enraged to the point of actually attacking the millhands and driving Marshall from the site of his discovery.
Feeling harassed, frustrated and probably overwhelmed the fellow, began to claim that it was supernatural, mystical powers that allegedly allowed him to locate the richest gold deposits. His refusal to reveal the location of these so-called rich diggings only angered resentful miners, who even threatened to lynch him if he did not lead them to new sources of treasure.

Marshall was forced to flee for his life and try to start over as just another prospector. However, his identity was so widely and well known that miners hounded him wherever he went.
In his journal, Marshall wrote expressing his bitter predicament.., 
 ‘I was soon forced to again leave Coloma for want of food. My property was swept from me, and no one would give me employment. I have had to carry my pack of thirty or forty pounds over the mountains, living on China rice alone. If I sought employment, I was refused on the reasoning that I had discovered the goldmines, and should be the one to employ them they did not wish the man that made the discovery under their control….Thus I wandered for more than four years.’
In 1872, he finally got acknowledged and received some compensation for his contribution to California’s gold-crazed growth. The state Legislature awarded him a $200-per-month pension. 

Marshall was 62 years old at the time. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Kelsey, a few miles east of Coloma, where he used the money to open a blacksmith shop. He worked there and lived in the Union Hotel until his death on August 10, 1885.  
During his last years, Marshall, who had become an obvious alcoholic, was forced to live by handyman jobs, handouts and the sale of his autograph on special cards for 50 cents each. 

Despite the involvement of others in determining that Marshall indeed had discovered gold, one would think that the nugget should have been named in his honor–the oversight being just one more of the many ironic twists of fate that plagued Marshall’s troubled life.
Harassed and unappreciated throughout much of his adult life, Marshall was a tragic victim of nature’s great lottery. Ironically, he has been remembered in death as one of California’s more influential–though accidental–history-makers.

Interesting and ironically tragic right?

Story cited from http://history.com

Friday, January 22, 2021

Quotes of the day.

Quotes of the day

"Life might probably be all about solving problems but, success and victory; certainly is just about knowing what problems to solve; not only to benefit you and 'your own', but even more for the mutual goodness of the society as a whole."

Dear reader, today we invite you to share one or even more of your most memorable quotes and mantras. Feel free to put it/them in the comments section below.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Oldest Literature in the world. Timeless Quotes.

 Timeless Wisdom from the oldest surviving literature

"Instructions of Shuruppak"

Did you know the earliest recorded written literature originated in ancient Mesopotamia? The Sumerian civilization first developed writing around 3400 B.C., when they began making markings on clay tablets in a script known as cuneiform.  

So today we feature one of the two oldest literature, that dates back about 4.6 Milleniums. The Instructions of Shuruppak. Shuruppak was the last Sumerian king and passed these words down to his son. The literature is full of emence wisdom that has survived the tides of time and notably applicable to people like you and me. Below are some of the words of this wise king, in their direct comprehendable translation form.

  • A loving heart maintains a family; a hateful heart destroys a family. 
The  Sumerian proverbs version is; 
"A loving heart builds houses. A hating heart destroys houses." 

  • You should not use violence.
  • Nothing at all is to be valued, but life should be sweet. 

You should not 
serve things; things should serve you.

  • The instructions of an old man are precious.
  • A thief is a lion, but after he has been caught, he will be a slave.
  • The night: it can hide both good and evil.
  • The eyes of the slanderer always move around as shiftily as a spindle.
  • You should never remain in his presence; his intentions should not be allowed to have an effect on you.

When it is about someone's else bread, it is easy to say "I will give it to you", but the time of actual giving can be as far away as the sky. If you go after the man who said "I will give it to you", he will say "I cannot give it to you -- the bread has just been finished up".

  • The artistic mouth recites words; the harsh mouth brings litigation documents; the sweet mouth gathers sweet herbs.
  • Heaven is far, earth is most precious, but it is with heaven that you multiply your goods, and all foreign lands breathe under it.
  • At harvest time, at the most priceless time, collect like a slave girl, eat like a queen; my son, to collect like a slave girl, to eat like a queen, this is how it should be.
  • To speak arrogantly is like an abscess: a herb that makes the stomach sick.
  • Fate is a wet bank; it can make one slip

"The elder brother is indeed like a father; the elder sister is indeed like a mother. Listen therefore to your elder brother, and you should be obedient to your elder sister as if she were your mother.

You should not work using only your eyes; you will not multiply your possessions using only your mouth.

You should not speak arrogantly to your mother; that causes hatred for you.

  • You should not question the words of your mother and your personal god.
  • The mother, like Utu, gives birth to the man.
  • Without suburbs a city has no centre either.

It is inconceivable that something is lost forever.
I sure hope that you learnt something, though not new, you agree that wisdom transcend beyond the limits of time. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Steve Biko Quotes; Black Sure is Beautiful

S Biko The African Revolutionist Insights.

So today I was listening to one of the popular local radio shows... The host, Shatta Bwoy, shared something about Black people power, featuring Steve Biko and this post literally wrote itself.

Steve Biko was an anti-apartheid activist and the co-founder of the South African Students' Organization, subsequently spearheading the nation's Black Consciousness Movement. He also co-founded the Black People's Convention in 1972. Steve Biko started his activism at the age of about 24 years and tragically died in detention: 12th of Oct 1977. His death attracted a lot of attension to apartheid invoking a revolution not only in S.Africa but in the entire. The Black people have a lot to thank him for. Biko's death was sure not in vain, he died a hero and is an unchallenged legend to reckon with to date.

So today I have decided to share some of his thought eliting quotes.

“The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."

“I’m going to be me as I am, and you can beat me or jail me or even kill me, but I’m not going to be what you want me to be.”

“Black Consciousness is an attitude of the mind and a way of life, the most positive call to emanate from the black world for a long time.”

“So as a prelude whites must be made to realise that they are only human, not superior. Same with Blacks. They must be made to realise that they are also human, not inferior. “

“A people without a positive history is like a vehicle without an engine.”

“Being black is not a matter of pigmentation – being black is a reflection of a mental attitude. ”

“A Black man should be more independent and depend on himself for his freedom and not to take it for granted that someone would lead him to it. The blacks are tired of standing at the touch lines to witness a game that they should be playing. They want to do things for themselves and all by themselves.”

“If you want to say something radical, you should dress conservative.”

“WOMEN must be at the forefront of nations building to bring the South African citizenry together and, therefore, develop a whole new ethos of human coexistence.”

“Merely by describing yourself as black you have started on a road towards emancipation, you have committed yourself to fight against all forces that seek to use your blackness as a stamp that marks you out as a subservient being."

“In a bid for change, we have to take off our coats, be prepared to lose our comfort and security, our jobs and positions of prestige, and our families… A struggle without casualties is no struggle.”

Steve Biko for sure gave power to the people...and especially the African Black people.

Please share your thoughts and concerns below. Thank you!!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Inspiring Story From Mata Hari

Powerful Message From Mata Hari the Executed Suspected German Female Spy

 I was reading this book yesterday, 'The Spy' by Paulo Coehlo. This guy is actually my favourite author of all time, so far. So the story is based on the real life story of an alleged historic lady spy, Margaretha Geertruida MacLeod, better known by the stage name Mata Hari. Mata was a Dutch exotic dancer and a mistress who was convicted of being a spy for Germany during World War One. 

Some historians believe that the Germans suspected Mata Hari was a French spy and subsequently set her up, deliberately sending a message falsely labeling her as a German spy — which they knew would be easily decoded by the French. Although many still think she was innocent, Mata Hari, was executed by a firing squad of 12 French soldiers just before dawn on 15 October 1917, aged 41. According to an eyewitness account by British reporter Henry Wales, she was not bound and refused a blindfold then apparently, defiantly blew a kiss to the French firing squad.

Anyway long story shorter, I found the tale interesting and very moving. As the saying goes, "Sharing is caring", this I had to share and surely believe tha you to will learn a lot from it.

Here is just an excerpt -from the recorded accounts of Hari, published from her dairy and letters, that she wrote before the fateful execution- that really inspired me. 

​......On the day of my departure, my mother called me over and gave me a packet of seeds:

​“Take this with you, Margaretha.”​​

​Margaretha—Margaretha Zelle—was my name, and I detested it. Countless girls had been given the name Margaretha because of a famous and well-respected actress.

​I asked what the seeds were for.

“They’re tulip seeds, the symbol of our country. But, more than that, they represent a truth you must learn. These seeds will always be tulips, even if at the moment you cannot tell them apart from other flowers. They will never turn into roses or sunflowers, no matter how much they might desire to. And if they try to deny their own existence, they will live life bitter and die.

“So you must learn to follow your destiny, whatever it may be, with joy. As flowers grow, they show off their beauty and are appreciated by all; then, after they die, they leave their seeds so that others may continue God’s work.”

She placed the packet of seeds in a small bag that I had watched her stitch carefully for days despite her illness.

“Flowers teach us that nothing is permanent: not their beauty, not even the fact that they will inevitably wilt, because they will still give new seeds. Remember this when you feel joy, pain, or sadness. Everything passes, grows old, dies, and is reborn.”

How many storms must I weather before I understand this? At the time, her words sounded hollow; I was eager to leave that suffocating town, with its identical days and nights. And yet today, as I write this, I understand that my mother was also talking about herself.

“Even the tallest trees are able to grow from tiny seeds like these. Remember this, and try not to rush time.”

She gave me a kiss goodbye, and my father took me to the train station. We barely spoke on our way there.

Very powerful message, don't you agree? Have you read the book? Do you know about Mata Hari? Please share what you think?

Saturday, January 16, 2021

KDF Officer Tries To Blow Up Ex Wife With A Grenade.

KDF Sergeant Literally Tries To Do Away With His Ex Wife 

Talk about BabyMamaDrama.

 A KDF officer, gets arrested for attempting to detonate a smoke grenade at his ex-wife’s home in Marachi Central, Busia County.

Sergeant Denis Ochieng committed the offense after a crazy verbal war over child custody.

Read: Kevin Mulei The Behind NRG Ke Radio

The suspect who was a designated officer of the Mandera paraunit, was apparently urged to cool down and await his in-laws arrival,ex-wife’s parents, so they could have a proper arbiterally discussion when the guy just got pissed, pulled out the grenade from his military jacket, threw it on the compound right before taking off.

​“On realizing that it did not explode, the man of the boots ran back and collected it, disposing it into a nearby river,”said the DCI.

Distressed neighbours called the cops and the guy finally got arrested. The KDF paramilitary police alongside, their collegues, Butula DCI detectives, are on the scene, in search of the alleged smoke grenade.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Who is Kevin: The Owner of NRG Radio

 Meet owner of NRG Radio Kenya, Mo Sound: Whom He is, His Net Worth, Family and How he did it.

Kevin Mulei is a highly acclaimed Kenyan businessman, DeeJay, and media personality/Event organizer who is well known as the CEO of Mo Sound Events which hosts the annual Groove Awards Ceremony. Dj Kev is also recognized as the owner of NRG Radio. The radio station is know to have given birth to twin stations, Choice Radio and Fun X Radio, available on 91.3 FM and  87.7 FM. for the prior. Coolest vibe ever.

Kevin, born 1982 somewhere in Ukambani region (Eastern region Kenya), thus at barely the age of 40 years has an estimated net worth, as at 2020, of $2.3 million roughly a whopping Ksh 253 million. 

Though not much is known about the guy, Mulei came from a humble background. He was raised by his grandmother whom he speaks highly of saying she taught him farming as well as equipped him with important principles and values that would help him become the man he is today.
The allegedly aluminae of Mac B (Machakos Boys), the God-fearing fellow, is married to one wife, Janet Kabugu, and together they have three children two boys and a girl.

Kevin was clearly a guy with a great vision and out to make it happen, so despite the challenges he faced working out his dream, executed the first Groove Awards in 2004.

Explaining what it took to accomplish this, he said how tough the venture really was as he had no state of the art equipment, no contacts to help him out and made many mistakes. In his own words,

​ “If I’d been weak I’d have given up after the first one.”

He didn’t give up though, in 2005, he gave it another shot, hosting his 2nd event still receiving very little support from the stakeholders. The exercise was nothing easy and actually left him $25,000 in debt. The devastated Mulei ended up packing his bags and move to America for a year where he tried his hand in various business ventures such as real estate to media production.

A year later, the rejuvinated Kevin gave into his zeal to beat the odds to again try his hand in the Kenyan Showbiz, he came back and put together yet another Groove Awards event. This time around he got it right,   and thus saw Groove Awards grow from an uncertain concept to the best Awards Show in E. Africa.
This saw him become one of the very successful Kenyan enterprenuers. This is very evident as the guy actually drives one of the more expensive rides in the country, a BMW  i8 an imported beautiful machine that goes for about Kshs. 15 Million.

Mulei also runs Mo Sound Events, a creative and equipment company which offers a wide variety of solutions in production, events management, digital media, brand activation and entertainment equipment. He has been quoted as saying that he was motivated to start Mo Sound after seeing the bad state of sound equipment in the country as a DJ. Mo Sound now has a branch in Rwanda and is set to open in Uganda and Tanzania. With over 70 employees, the company contracts the services of up to 40 more casuals when needed.

Despite mostly dealing in entertainment gigs, Mo Sound has grown to be the lead technical organizer for government and corporate events. Some of its best gigs have been organizing the Rwanda Independence Day celebrations, Kenya’s 50th Independence Day celebrations and the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES), graced by President Barack Obama in Nairobi.

Apart from the the audio-visual components, MoSound has partnered with Power Africa to increase access to power in Sub-Saharan Africa, to display local innovations such as M-Kopa and D’Light.

More recently he launched NRG Radio which offers a unique service blending of radio, digital and social experience that fuels energy – the first of its kind in the region.

NRG Radios boasts of a new wave of radio technology including a modern production room, control rooms and 3 state-of-the-art IP-based studios with visual integration consisting of equipment from German technical pioneer, Lawo, with the ability to stream live videos from the studio to any Content Distribution Network or Social Media and other platforms.


  • KCB Lion's Den
  • Mwalimu Rachel's blog
  • Other contributors

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Trump 2nd Impeachment Subsequent Backlash Against Republican Congressmen Supporting the Ploy

Trump 2nd Impeachment Subsequent Backlash Against Republican Congressmen Supporting the Ploy

In latest proceedings of the 2nd impeachment of Trump agenda, the Republicans who broke off from the GOP to back up their Democrat allies, have been put on the spot by their local Republican parties as to how they voted with regards to this motion.

It is interesting that a little over a year ago, all House Republicans voted against the president's first impeachment. Then on Wednesday, 10 GOP members switched sides to join with the Democrats to impeach Trump. The reps known to have done this are:

  1. Liz Cheney (Wyo.)
  2. Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio)
  3. Jaime Herrera Beutler (Wash.) 
  4. John Katko (N.Y.)
  5. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.)
  6. Peter Meijer (Mich.)
  7. Dan Newhouse (Wash.)
  8. Tom Rice (S.C.)
  9. Fred Upton (Mich.)
  10. David Valadao (Calif.)

This was despite the risk they could possible face by splitting from the party's majority, such as political blowback for their votes and altogether losing their political support from their state's Republican voters come the next election.

Reports indicate that staunch Republican reps like Cheney, who is the 3rd in command in the House Republican leadership as the GOP Conference Chair, is getting blowback from the Wyoming Republican Party and her congressional colleagues.

Apparently members of the House Freedom Caucus mobilized petitions, on Wednesday, in pursuit of a vote of no confidence against Cheney urging her to resign from her post. The petition stated that Cheney, with regards to the position she holds 

"has brought the Conference into disrepute and produced discord."

Kenya Airforce Craft Crashes in Voi

In a lengthy statement issued by Wyoming GOP early today, Thursday, the party alleges it received harsh backlash from its members highlighting Cheney's actions stating, 

"Our telephone has not stopped ringing, our email is filling up, and our website has seen more traffic than at any previous time."

The received feedback were perceived to hurl accusations that Cheney has aligned herself with "the beltway elites" and "with leftists."

The organization said, 

"We as a Party respect our elected officials and assume that they will respect and represent their constituents. We are receiving the message loud and clear that what happened yesterday is a true travesty for Wyoming and the country."

Cheney said her vote to impeach was one of conscience.

She said,

 "The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution."

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Kenya Air Force Craft Crashes in Voi Today.

 A Kenya Air Force aircraft crashed in Voi, Taita Taveta County, this morning, Tuesday 12th of January, 2021.

Kenya Defence Forces via twitter said that the aircraft, model Harbin Y-12, took off from thr Moi Air Base in Eastleigh, Nairobi County, when the accident took place.

"Recovery efforts are underway," the tweet further said.

The recovery efforts are by KDF, Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and police. A reliable source involved in this rescue mission said the aircraft crashed at Mrima Hill in Taita-Taveta.

The cause of the crash are still not immediately clear.

Attempts to reach out, KDF Spokesperson Col. Zipporah Kioko by phone, were trivial as she did not give details but rather insisted that a statement would be issued.

Read More

Sunday, January 10, 2021

University Student Confesses To Slaying 5 Members of His Family Saying Was Inspired By “Killing Eve” A T.V. Series.

 University Student Who Confessed To Killing 5 Family Members Says He Was Inspired By “Killing Eve” Dark Comedy-Drama

Police manning the crime scene

A young man, a sophomore at Mt.Kenya University taking Bachelor of Business in IT, alledgedly murders five family members in Lower Kabete, Nairobi and claims the idea to commit this gruelsome deed came from watching ‘Killing Eve’ -a British dark thriller usually aired on Fox T.V. channel... Yes, you heard me right, watching T.V.

The suspect, Lawrence Waruinge, who has been in hiding from Tuesday, confessed that he decided to eliminate the four family members because they were talking ill of him behind his back.

In his testimony to cops he said that he initially ployed to kill everyone, i.e. including his two sisters, who  fortunately enough were in school thus surviving the odeal.

Mourning the loss at the family's home

While appearing to borrow a leaf from Villanelle- the villain and psychopathic assassin in the British show- the 22-year-old descended upon his family members without remorse, killing them one by one before hitting the road to destroy evidence.

The police report indicated that he first killed James Kinyanjui; a masion who lived a few meters from the main house.

Then attacked his mother, Anne Wanjiku, in the kitchen and shortly after, his young 12-year-old cousin who had responded to his mother’s distress call.

The suspect then attacked his father Nicholas Waruinge who was in the master bedroom and had attempting to flee the visceral attack, from jumping off the balcony.

Last to be killed was his own brother, a 13-year-old boy who was hiding under the bed.

He told police officers how he stabbed the minor with a 9-inch knife despite the helpless child kneeling and pleading for mercy.

According to Citizen news report, before the murder, Warunge told detectives that he had gone online to research on the best way to execute the crime.

To ensure that none of his victims would survive, Warunge would hit them on the head with a metal bar, stab them multiple times on the chest before slitting their throat.

After commiting all the crimes, Waruinge went on the lam after packing his bloodied clothes in a bag.

He also carried several phones of the victims and the murder weapon to Njikase village in Mai-Mahiu where he had rented board with his lover.

He then ditched the knife, the bloody clothes and one house key in a public toilet. Then went to a nearby valley where he burned other items including a mobile phone.

His girlfriend Sarah Muthoni was also apprehended and caught after the crime. The chick is in police custody aiding police with the investigations into the matter.

Read More

Saturday, January 9, 2021

SGR Revised Travel Schedule Jan 9th, 2021

SGR Revised Travel Schedule 

Jan 9th, 2021

 As of today, Saturday the 9th January 2021, travellers will be able to book a night travel ticket on the Nairobi-Mombasa SGR train.

This comes after the revised train schedule press release by Kenya Railways Authority, earlier this week. Which highlights the introduction of a night inter-county train service, said to accomodate the rising demand of affordable and convinient travel, by teachers and students returning to schools. 

Read: Krazy Joke LoL!!
The management body indicated that it had obtained an exemption from the new dusk-to-dawn curfew extended to March 12 by President Uhuru Kenyatta thus allowed to operate during the curfew hours.
It further expounded this by explaining that, as of today, two of the Madaraka Express trains will operate in the afternoon and night, while a third will be meant for inter-county travel.
Kenya Railways said in the release,

​“We have introduced a night train as from 9th January 2021. This will be an Express service departing Nairobi and Mombasa at 10.00 pm to arrive at their destination at 3.35 am."

Passengers will thus be allowed to abode from the respective stations during curfew hours to other destinations.

The will see to it that the firm cash in on nighttime travel, which is after the curfew disrupted bus transport.

The two afternoon express trains will operate between the two cities, Nairobi and Mombasa, commencing the journeying at 3pm and ending at 8pm.

They further said that the inter-county train service will operate during the day, leaving both the Nairobi and Mombasa termini at 8am stopping at all the stations along the route to arrive at 2pm. Offering the usual commuter services with stoppages at Athi River, Emali, Kibwezi, Mtito Andei, Voi, Miasenyi and Mariakani.

This is a change from their normal operations where the SGR trains commuted between the two cities, commencing their journeys at 8am and 3pm.


Friday, January 8, 2021

Krazy Joke: Kevo Gets Caught Hiding in The Closet

Joke of the day: Ignorance is bliss, LoL!!

A husband returned earlier than expected from a business trip trying to probably surprise his wife. Now the wife was, of course, in the bed with the neighbor, Kevo, 'si unajua fom ya ma fisi'. So when she heard tha 'mzae',husband arriving home she told Kevo to quickly hide kwa wardrobe. 

Read: The Kikuyu Kalenjin Saga
Then she lied down on the floor, clutching her chest, and pretended she had a heart attack or something. The huzzy ku-pop hivi and saw his wify motionless on the floor. He freaked out! But just before deciding what course of action to chukua... His kiddo came in saying, “Daddy, daddy! Kevin is hiding in the wardrobe!” 

The jamaa goes direct towards the closet shouting, 
WTF!!KKevo!! Wife Anakufia Hapa And Instead Of Help Me...?? Unacheza Brikicho (Hide-and-seek) Na Mkidy Hapa!!
And just like that, Kevo lived to fisi another day bila worries.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Kikuyu Kalenjin Leadership Saga

Is It Possible to Break The Cycle of The Kikuyu-Kalenjin Recurring leadership?

 What the Issue really is:

Kenya is a multi-ethnic country, home to over 40 ethnic groups, probably the reason for rampant occurances many overlapping conflicts. You just overlook the Republic's high levels of sexual and G.B.V. cases, intercommunal violence, increasing numbers of terrorist attacks and the cycles of election-related violence. It is alarming that according to recorded research reports, the incidence and intensity of violence have all increased in recent years. 

And in light of the beaconing of the coming 2022 elections, things are getting even hotter. 

On social online communal forums such Twitter, the rising temperatures are evident, with the Kalenjins and Kikuyus ethnics groups put in the controversial lime light.

Read:Assange Wikileaks Guy Denied Bail

By the look of things, the apparent damnation of the Jubilee pact could most likely spark renewed fighting between the Kikuyu and the Kalenjin. 

It is unforgetable that Rift Valley, is the region with a history of nasty land disputes between these two groups. The Kenyan territory, once known to be the biggest of the 8 Provinces before devolution, was the fateful site of the unnerving worst ethnic fighting memorable today. This was between the Kalenjin and the Kikuyu. Yet more than a decade later the animosity still seems to linger as justice has never been clearly served as it ought to have. It is apparent that many of Kenyan IDP's, still seem to face difficulties resettling. The rift may have been calmed, but sure enough not healed, by the coalition between Kenyatta and Ruto.

 The situation is dire and victims describing the prevailing scenario as “negative peace.” But with the loaming end of the fragile alliance, a return to the hostilities of 2007 are speculated and even more so if Ruto should lose the 2022 election. A research report by International Crisis Group blames this to,

​“Failure by the Kikuyu side of the Jubilee coalition to endorse Ruto in 2022 almost inevitably would trigger major instability in the Rift Valley.”

Without overlooking the weight of this issue, another possibly worse problem seems to project amoung Kenyan patriots. Opinions shared on social media voice that Kenyans are even less impressed with the cycle of having the Kikuyus and Kalenjins being the only ethinc groups ending up running the country. It is retrospectively said that the Kenyan president is percived to enjoy a great deal of executive power, which seems to make the elections a 'zero-sum' game where an ethnic group must win. While Kenya’s 2010 constitutional reforms attempted to address this, they seem to have only been partially successful, with the current president being accussed to be just another “imperialist”. But in as much as additional reforms, forged by the BBI—initiated by Uhuru's regime, proposing yet another constitutional reforms plot--could probably allow creation of a more inclusive projected government as well as downplay the powerful executive docket and, possibly thus, significantly lower the stakes of national elections; Ruto has often critized most of the cited proposal, claiming his Jubilee allies may derail the efforts of the reform task. In addition to these political stalemate, considering the, socio-economic and political, fatal blow served the COVID19 pandemic; it seems it could be difficult to hold a referendum prior to the 2022 election. 

Which begs the question,..

"What happens to the BBI promises of aiding in reducing, if not somehow completely doing away with inter-ethnic animosity over the election outcome?"

Dear reader what do you think will happen, what should we do? Please leave your comments below.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Julian Assange Denied Bail Today's News

 The founder of WikiLeaks, the controversial Julian Assange was today; the first Wednesday of 2020, denied bail by Westminster Court. The British presiding judge said that he might abscornd justice by fleeing. This comes while the enraged U.S. tries again to secure his extradition, to face  justice for publishing of secret documents, a crime that amount to espionage. 

This request, by Julian lawyers, comes only two days after district judge Venessa Baraister ruling, on Monday 4th of this year, that Assange should not be extradited citing risk of suicide. Judge Vanessa, explained the the ruling, putting the seven years  that the accused has spent behind bars in the Ecuadorean embassy, London nabbed after actually fleeing from justice back in 2012. In her statement she told the Westminster Magistrates that,

​“I am satisfied that there aresubstantial grounds for believing that if Mr Assange is released today he would fail to surrender to court to face the appeal proceedings."

Read: Top Ten Richest Rappers in the World

According to Retuers, Assange, the 49 year old Australian showed up to court wearing a navy suit, and apparently showed no reaction with reguards to the ruling. 

The judge Venessa, aslo said that the United States was welcomed to challenge her decision to reject extradition. Obiviously the appeal could take months, leaving Assange ensnared, where he has been since being dragged out of the embassy in 2019, in yet some more legal woes. (Retuers)

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Top 10 Richest Rappers 2021 List: Net Worth (2021 List Updated)

Top 10 List of The Richest Rappers Rankings by Net Worth

 10. Lil Wayne Net Worth: $150 million 

Dwayne Michael Carter Jr. Aka Lil Wayne, Aka Weezy F. Baby, Aka Tunechi. As you may obiviously know, Weezy is an American rapper, songwriter, record exec and actor. worth $150 million.
Began his career when he was just 13, as the youngest member of the Cash Money Records label.
First solo album Tha Block is Hot was certified platinum.
He has released 13 albums and  sold over 100 mil records worldwide.
In 2012, Wayne became the 1st male to beat Elvis P. by having more entries on the Billboard Hot 100.

​"“I tried to pay attention, but attention paid me.” --Lil Wayne

9. Ice Cube Net Worth: $160 million 

O'Shea Jackson, Aka Ice Cube, the born in L.A. who's a rapper, actor, writer, producer, director and enterprenuer.
Became famous in 1986, aged 16, as one of the pioneering members NWA, alongside Eazy E and Dr. Dre. which he later left in Dec 1989 to start his successful solo career.
His first two albums went platinum.
In '92 Cube started his acting career starring in "Boyz in the Hood". Shortly after he wrote and starred in the Friday film franchise.
Ice also founded his own clothing line Solo by Cube.
Ice Cube is often reguarded as the best rapper of all time.

​ "Truth is the ultimate power. When the truth comes around, all the lies have to run and hide." – Ice Cube

8. Usher Net worth: $180 million

Born Usher Raymond IV in Dallas.
Ray is a reknowned songwriter, RnB singer, dancer and actor.
It was Usher's single released in '98 "Nice & Slow", that was his first jam to U.S. Billboards as No. 1 single; from the album 'My Way' which sold 8 mill copies worldwide, winning him his first two Grammys.
Usher sold out after doing 'Confessions', of '04.
Having sold approximately 23.8 million albums, 38.2 million digital tracks in the U.S alone, 75 million records worldwide and and earn up to 8 Grammys, so far, Usher has for sure made his mark as one of the best selling artist alive.

​"Success is about dedication. You may not be where you want to be or do what you want to do when you're on the journey. But you've got to be willing to have vision and foresight that leads you to an incredible end." – Usher

7. Drake Net worth: $180 million 

A rapper, singer, producer and actor, born in Canada.
Drake topped the charts with his first debute album 'Thank Me Later', relsd. June 2010, and which then went to become platinum certified by both the Canada and U.S. market.
He hit the Billboard charts for eight solid weeks with his single 'One Dance' in 2016. Which is from his best seller album 'Views' so far, which features the single Hotline Bling as a bonus track, hence scoring Dreezy quadruple platinum title.
With over 170 million records sold, numerous streaming broken records and four Grammys, the musician is one of the best selling today.

​ "Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination." – Drake

6. Master P Net Worth: $200 million

The founder of record label No Limit Records Master P is a rap O.G.
He made his fortunes as part of a music group called TRU as well as from his successful solo career, under the afore mention lable. ​
Master P net worth by 2009 was a whooping $700 m, ranked by Forbes as the third richest rapper in history. His best selling single was 'Make 'Em Say Uhh' so far Lil Romeo's Pops, has done 15 studio albums, most going multi-platinum. Master P has also starred in many films and TV shows.

​"I think my thing is I grew up in the ghetto, and I was able to get a second chance. That's what I'm trying to tell kids." – Master P

5. Eminem Net worth: $230 million 

Marshall Bruce Mathers II, is one of G.O.A.T. artists of the 21st century.
The White rapper from Detroit, signed by Dr. Dre's Aftermath Entertainment, bursted into popularity in 1999 with 'The Slim Shady LP',specifically the major hit single 'My Name Is'. Since then its been win after win for Slim Shady. He won the Academy Award for Best Original Song with "Lose Yourself" starring in film 8 Mile, back in 2002, sold over 150 mill records, had 10 #1 albums on the Billboard 200 and won ten Grammys. Almost all albums this guy has done-which are over 10 so far-have gone platinum.

​“Success is my only option, failure’s not.” 

“Love is just a word, but you bring it definition.” 

“Everybody has goals, aspirations or whatever, and everybody has been at a point in their life where nobody believed in them.”  Eminem

4. Dr. Dre Net worth: $820 million 

Dre, a super producer, rapper, song writer, actor and a well established business man/CEO who founded Beats Electronics.
Popularly known as one of the influential West-coast gangsta rapper with the group NWA. He co-founded Death Row Records alongside Suge Knight. The Dr's solo career was intiated with the drop of 'The Chronic' making him one of the top selling American musicians of 1993, this is the year when he bagged his very first of his six Grammys. Dr. Dre discovered Eminem, and produced for great artist such as Snoop Dogg and 2Pac.

​"The only two things that scare men now are God and the IRS." – Dr. Dre

3. P. Diddy Net worth: $885 million 

Sean Combs, New York born aka P. Diddy, Puff Daddy, Puffy, Diddy.
He started working at Uptown Records before he later established his own record label, Bad Boy Entertainment, '93. Diddy is known for helping build Notorious B.I.G. musical career.
He then embarked on a career as a musician himself, releasing 'No Way Out' in 1997, which has since been certified seven times platinum. P. Diddy released three more albums before forming the group Dirty Money and going on to release more commercially and critically successful music. Combs has won 3 Grammys and 2 MTV Video Music Awards. He also serves as the producer of MTV's Making the Band. Contributing to Diddy's immense wealth is his work as an entrepreneur, releasing clothing lines, fragrances, restaurants, vodka, and even an umbrella company.

​"Success doesn't just land on your lap. You have to work, work, work, work, and work some more." – Diddy

2. Jay-Z Net Worth: $1 billion

Brooklyn-born American rapper Shawn Carter, Jay-Z has become the first billionaire in hip hop history, with a net worth of $1 billion. Combined with his wife Beyonce Knowles, the couple together first cracked the billion-dollar mark in July 2014. A majority of Carter's wealth actually comes from his endorsements and his investments in sports teams, record companies, clothing lines, night clubs, and more. And that $1 billion is just Jay-Z's wealth. When combined with Beyonce, the couple has a net worth of $1.5 billion.

​ "Money and power don't change you,they just further expose your true self. People look at you strange, say you changed. Like you worked that hard to stay the same. You can want success all you want, but to get it, you can't falter." – Jay-Z

1. Kanye West Net worth: $3.2 billion

Kanye West's creativity and wide-reaching musical style makes him one of the phenominial rapper of this age. Success in the fashion industry also adds to his immense net worth not forgetting his marriage to Kim Kardashian. Kanye has released 9 studio albums, most of which went multi-platinum and topped the charts for weeks to months. He has sold over a 100 mill records worldwide, ranking him one the top five of the richest rappers in history. Kanye West regularly tops critics' lists of greatest albums and rappers of all time. But, as you may know, Kanye's out-sized fortune mostly comes from non-musical endeavors. His Yeezy apparel partnership with Adidas has resulted in a brand that reportedly generates over $1 billion in revenue per year, paying Kanye a 2019 royalty of $100-115 million. Kanye has said in a number of interviews that he is already a billionaire because Yeezy is worth $4 billion.​​

​ "I was never really good at anything except for the ability to learn." – Kanye 

 Next am going to do list of the richest African artist.

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