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Showing posts with label Mind Feeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mind Feeds. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

What's Logical About Love

The mind compares and contrasts
just to make logical choices..
But the heart only feels
and makes an
unbiased choice..
boldly enough
to make you forget
about logic
and start seeing 
the true possibilities
hidden within
 I guess that's why man has never truly understood the logic behind the mystical true love..

Friday, September 30, 2016


Just as a bee never tires and grow weary from making honey and wax even though men always ambush and steal them over and over again. You were created to bless and do good..and just as the bee don't stop the good works, for they might take your honey and wax but they can never take from the art of making it. So it doesn't matter how much you are unappriciated and mocked for being that beautiful being you were created to be, don't grow weary and tired of what you are.. Always be that blessing you have always been.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

What is eating us up

Look at people around you, look deep and see their face, the unspoken tales of fatigue, anxiety, pain and depression in their impressions.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


the-darkness-and-the-ligh.jpg This is prove that one man can actually change the world. Stay aflame do something no matter how small you deem it, its all we need to make this world a better place.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Have you ever failed in doing anything and you actually thought of giving up? Well I have too and this short story is meant for people like me and you. 'I came to the United States in 1997 from Palestine, and I was 5. So I went to ESL to learn English in elementary school. After learning and somewhat not progressing fast enough, I took this English grammar test and I absolutely bombed it. It was horrible and I felt very bad that I failed miserably. My self-esteem went down because I was thinking, "man, I don't belong here". As a 7-9 year old kid, this took a toll on me because​​ I felt like a disappointment. My teacher talked to my mother, and I will never forget this, instead of my mother criticizing me or being too disappointed, all she said was "it's ok, but I know you are smart and you can do better" . I felt relief that I was not going to be yelled at. This boosted me, and today I am a Research Specialist, reading and writing research papers. So, being positive does really help, especially for children because children remember.' So I hope you see that failing doesn't necessarily mean that you are a failure. Going past your fails takes positive thinking and positive people around you.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


If could erase all tha messed up isht that happened jana, believe you me I would..unfortunately I can't but I can and I will change everythng about me that made it a success and one day see it completely vanish into the thin air. Regret is a pain coated bitter pill that come in only one flava called guilt, the most fatal poison to have ever existed. The irony about regret, is that, as lethal as it is or could be, it's a brew creatively crafted by our own hands. I cooked mine on my own, thus will have to take it on my own, and so do you. Eventhough I know it could mean the end of me, the hope that 'I have a future that sure is not a continuation of my past' is all the strength I need to worry less as I fight hard enough to live. I choose to not let go, I choose live and so should you, yes you out there going through the same thing, 'regret'. Believe me,Today we live!!

Friday, October 17, 2014


You must fully understand whom you really are to unlock the full potential of whom you really are meant to be.

Friday, May 9, 2014


A reletionship, which can stretch enough to brings out the real you, at your very best as well as your very worst peek ever, yet remain elastic enough to hold and keep you together without snapping..... Is the only sort of reletionship worth investing your all in.

Monday, January 13, 2014


happy-life.jpg Genuine happiness is NOT about having everything you want but simply wanting everything you have already..

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Problems, call for unison, NEVER segregation... as together, problems become solved, but apart..only more riskier 'stalled-ticking-bombs'... For a problem is sign that means we simply need eachother but surely NOT...a signal to fuss and fight;vaining to justify our own personal opinion on whats right or wrong.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Remember that saying; "To much work without plays makes John a dull boy"?.. Let me confess that it din't actually make that much sense to me at first. But then, I came across this quote and it all became clear. Now all I could say is that this words simply set me free. Read it and you will get what I mean, dear reader. Did you know that play is what has driven and shaped every beautiful part of our culture. “A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.” – François-René de Chateaubriand

Thursday, June 13, 2013


'Fear of rejection,failure or success are the only vices, maliciously working to hold great men back and keeps ordinary men going.'

Saturday, June 1, 2013


'The tongue can either make or break and only you can tame it...by not only watching what you say but also how you say it and only then will you be able to make not break.'


'The tongue can either make or break and only you can tame it...by not only watching what you say but also how you say it and only then, will you be able to make rather than break.'

Monday, May 27, 2013


The secret behind getting unstuck is not in giving priority to the 'How to'...as that only magnifies your obstacle, but in figuring out the 'Why-to', the 'What-to-do' and most importantly manning up to take the first leap of faith...then witness as the 'how' just solves itself out in the process.

Friday, May 24, 2013


'Every dawn... presents to us a beautifully wrapped gift... We call it TODAY. Every dusk... a CHALLENGE... That's the task of learning something from unwrapping our gift.'

Thursday, January 31, 2013


What makes a man? The mind. There are three types of men in this life. 1.) The SIMPLE minded. -All they talk about is people and they make good Snitches, Inciters and Gossipers. They ussually end up living lives full frustrations and misery. 2.) The ORDINARY minded. -Talk about the turn out of events they make good noble men with an average salary and generally lead just normal lives. 3.) GREAT minds. -Now these are kind of people who measure there words. Their talk is always about ideas. They actually give Ordinary and Simple minded people great things/events to talk about. It is only these kind of people who get to find the real mean of life and end up leaving behind legacies and a good name in the mouths and thought of their successors or even the world at large. Hence the question, what is your 'mind-kind'..Sir...Ma'am? Ask yourself...

Saturday, December 15, 2012


"The only difference between Success and Failure is how the two are spelt not what they spell."

jumia Fashion Week


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