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Showing posts with label Heart to Hearts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart to Hearts. Show all posts

Friday, August 20, 2021

A Wife:Poem by William A

Tears of a neglected wife

A Wife’ by ‘A’ [William Allingham],

in Once a Week)

The wife sat thoughtfully turning over

A book inscribed with the school-girl’s name;

A tear – one tear – fell hot on the cover

She quickly closed when her husband came.

He came, and he went away – it was nothing –

With cold calm words on either side;

But, just at the sound of the room-door shutting,

A dreadful door in her soul stood wide.

Love, she had read of in sweet romances, 

Love that could sorrow, but never fail,

Built her own palace of noble fancies,

All the wide world a fairy tale.

Bleak and bitter, utterly doleful,

Spreads to this woman her map of life;

Hour after hour she looks in her soul, full

Of deep dismay and turbulent strife.

Face in both hands, she knelt on the carpet;

The black cloud loosen’d, the storm-rain fell:

Oh! Life has so much to wilder and warp it, 

One poor heart’s day what poet could tell?

‘A Wife’ by ‘A’ [William Allingham],

in Once a Week)

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

What's Logical About Love

The mind compares and contrasts
just to make logical choices..
But the heart only feels
and makes an
unbiased choice..
boldly enough
to make you forget
about logic
and start seeing 
the true possibilities
hidden within
 I guess that's why man has never truly understood the logic behind the mystical true love..

Friday, September 30, 2016


Just as a bee never tires and grow weary from making honey and wax even though men always ambush and steal them over and over again. You were created to bless and do good..and just as the bee don't stop the good works, for they might take your honey and wax but they can never take from the art of making it. So it doesn't matter how much you are unappriciated and mocked for being that beautiful being you were created to be, don't grow weary and tired of what you are.. Always be that blessing you have always been.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Shut my eyes, They like not what they see. Numbing my heart, Hurt is all it feels. Finger-sealing my ears, Noise bugs their thin drums. Oh how this day seems just to much.. Can I really bear facing its morrow? This exaggerated smile's my disguise, To that well concealed taint reality... Of a strive to grasp just a little more air, Into a chest too tight to fight once more. Surrender seems a considerable.. But realistical, a lame illict excuse.. The optted push here and shove there.. Surely did get me this far. See, there is nothing easy about this.. Crawl to that ray of sunlight, Praying hard it does not again shift. Logic left me skeptic about this tunnel... The strength that once pumped through me... The bravery that once blind the specks cowardice in me.. The limits set by selfish cares the ego within me.. All dimmed out as fast as the rear sight of the start. Though nothing dares to prove that grand final bliss.. In thoughts, I clearly envisioned.. In dreams, I really sired.. In fantasies, I surely enjoyed.. It somehow anchors my conscience to this unweary will.. You vow to await me at the end of it all.. Pumps reseliance to my sacrifice of self.. All just to see..feel.. All just to rest..sleep.. All just to forever be by You. I will get there.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013


"You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more." (Psalms 10:17-18). God will NOT and DOES NOT forget us... Oh Lord You said that all we have to do is cast our worries to You Oh Lord... For You care.. Please save, comfort and heal us..Oh Dear Lord..

Thursday, August 29, 2013


This is the best way to define an amazing love between two lovely love birds. lovin-u-right.jpg

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


me-afta-love.jpg The beauty of finding a soulmate, is that it frees one from the stuffy, scary and depressing cage of loneliness... And the secret to enjoying, not only this freedom but also an absolute happy-ever-after...is in being able to share the magical shelter of the red-blissful-umberella of LOVE, all day, everyday together without compromise.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Light and dark make a day, Right and wrong describe a deed, Male and female defines a humanbeing, Truth and false determine judgement, Life and death explains an existance, Early and late is all a matter of time, Happy and sad is reaction in depth, Love and hate expounds reletion... This and more is the phenomina, life. But without You and me,living is all in vain...... For YOU, are my reason to love being, a part of this world.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


She compares me to the sea, And I blush.... Stunt by the love I see. Refers to me as precious and popular like hunted treasures that everybody wants to keep, And in my mind- 'She meant am special'-is a thought I'l always keep. Enliken me to the sun, But to her t'is known... Its her who gives life to my world. Think of me as a full moon,shining the dark away, And it brightens me up than a sunny day. Saying how my kiss sets her free, Not knowing, t'is me who's caged.. To see how true that could be. Wants to feel the comfort of my embrace... Eventhough, I need her more like a desperate refugee. People speak of the eminent imperfections of men, Because they don't know... That she is the Ying to my Yang. Having her makes me perfect and complete.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Best Love Ever!!

There's nothing as fantastic as, having your best friend and your best love, being one and the same person.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


What I was looking for nearly half a life time, I found. Wishes I made dreaming, Came true. Question that buzzed in my thought, Got answered. Used to be lost, scared and hopeless, When someone promised to hold my hand all the way. And broken life got fixed, For I have all I ever wanted, To love and be loved in return.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


A relation is like a van fueled by love, driven by a will and accelerated by trust. It facilitates the efforts of two romantics in agreement to explore the amazing world in unisone. But there is one thing you need to know.., however big and spacious it might seem, trying to accomodate a third passager, is a compromise that will only plunge your relationship into a ditch of frustration, depression and worse a doom thats an irredeemable end of the road.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Love is like a star, It brightens up days, Beautify nights, And enlightens worlds. But then,just like a shooting star, Its always on the move, Flying across the skies, Seeing it, is bliss to troubled hearts, A feeling beyond defination, Yet some still think its just a myth. To see it needs... Chosing to just belief in it, Your concentration, Being patient as well as persistance, Then the will to make a wish that will last for an entire lifetime.

Monday, June 18, 2012


My nights, Are cold, dark and scary. My days, Long, hot and busy. My body..., Sore, needy and exausted. My family.., Small, demanding and at times awkard. My friends.., Are far, forgetful and at time insencere. My life..., Tough, unstable and too short. My reasons are., Am hopeless, loney and really lost without you.

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