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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Kobe Braynt Honored With the 2020 Championship Rings

The L.A. Lakers decide to honor Kobe Bryant with the 2020 championship rings. Which are said to include 2 sentimental tributes to the late legend in the design. This comes  shortly after LeBron James, Anthony Davis and the rest of the returning squad of the 2019-20 received their rings right before the start of the season opener against the L.A. Clippers. 


  • ​​The rings are made of ​804 stones, ​16.45 carats, ​​nods to the Orlando bubble, the league's social justice movement, regular-season wins and more.
  • ​​The design includes homage paid to the Five-time champion; ​The first tribute is a snake wrapped around each player's jersey number on the side of the ring ... ​

​Which reps Kobe's "Black Mamba" moniker and mentality.

  • ​​​​​​A detachable top, revealing each retired number in the franchise;With Bryant's #8 and #24 in the team's Black Mamba jerseys worn during their title run.
  • ​​​Then LeBron's actual handwriting inscribing the team's motto, "Leave a Legacy," on one side.
Ray J & Wife on Baby #3 Inspite of Their Divorce
This was made by Jason of Beverly Hills who told ESPN that it only took him 4 weeks to complete, which was due to the shortened off season.

Rest In Peace, Mamba. Your legacy lives on.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Jessie J Goes Completely Deaf On Christmas Eve.


Jessica Ellen Cornish better know by her stage Jessie J apparently spent her Christmas Eve in hospital, completely deaf. The singer shared a video of herself singing, in good spirits on Saturday. This was 2 days before, she revealed that she was apparently hospitalized and diagnosed with Meniere's disease, on an Instagram video post. This is a condition of the inner ear that can actually cause vertigo, which  unfortunately made her, somewhat deaf and unable to walk properly.

Jessie, at the time explained,
“I woke up and felt like I was completely deaf in my right ear, couldn’t walk in a straight line”

“Basically I got told I had Meniere's syndrome.”

She went ahead to say,
“I know that a lot of people suffer from it and I’ve actually had a lot of people reach out to me and give me great advice, so I’ve just been laying low in silence...."

Again indicating that,
"Now’s the first time I’ve been able to sing and bear it. I just miss singing so much and being around anyone."

The singer continued,
“It could be way worse, it is what it is. I’m super grateful for my health. It just threw me off. On Christmas Eve I was in the ear hospital going, ‘What is going on?’ But I’m glad I went early and they worked out what it was real quick and I got put on the right medicine, so I feel a lot better today.”

Having being, I have to confess, a big fan of her music -my favorite album being 'Who You Are"- I sure do wish her a quick full recovery.

What's your favorite track by Jessie?

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Helen Keller's Life Time Achievements Deserves To Be Respected.

 Helen Keller, An Underrated Deaf and Blind Heroin

So apparently there seem to be a smear campaign against Helen Keller based on her white privilege. But then, an organization named after her thinks this is a misguided view of her history, and wants to change the conversation.
Sue Pilkilton, director of the Helen Keller Birthplace Museum in Tuscumbia, spoke up saying focusing on Helen's race is just wrong, considering her life time achievements, and all the good she did for others.

Read:Understanding Each Other Better
Sue went on to clarify that, Keller's legacy is tied to activism, education and breaking barriers for hearing and sight-impaired people of all races, genders and status -- and all the chatter about white privilege detracts from her life's work.
This was sparked by remarks by Anita Cameron, an advocate of The point Black disability rights, made over the weekend. When Anita remarked, according to TMZ, "..Helen was likely patched through to the right people as a result of being white ... whether she knew it or not..."
This got folks speculating how Helen was wealthy and/or how she came from a rich family...riches amassed from a cotton plantation thanks to slaves her father is recorded to have owned...which according to trolls, somehow compromises her, Helen's, great works and awesome legacy.
Sentiments that got Sue explaining how despite the fact that indeed her family did receive an income from a cotton plantation,"...they were far from aristocrats or big ballers.." Which, in my humble opinion, I think she shouldn't have had to.

Anyway here's what I think, Helen Keller's life time achievements is clear prove that she, for Heroin earned each on every award, title and even more deserves to be respected. Helen certainly refirmed that disability was, and surely is, NOT inability. And that infact totally overshadows her skin's colour and its speculated trivial previledges, period.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Ray J and Princess: 3rd Baby: Amid Divorce.

Ray J and wife, Princess Love: 'Who Cares About the Divorce, Let's have another kid..'

 Ray J and Princess Love, the 'Love & Hip Hop' stars, openly talk about possibly having a third baby. Yeah, yeah, I know...kawaida... But here's the catch, apparently the two are actually in the middle of a divorce.

This came up during the show's four-part special segment of the show, 'Secrets Unlocked.' Which is set to be air on Jan. 4 on VH1. So apparently according to Princess Love, this is strictly a business transaction.

Read:Better Relationships; Making it work

Basically this means that she needs Ray J, not as a husband but rather some sort of sperm donor.

Its pretty intriguing that, Princess Love first filed for a divorce, in May this year; this is after just 4 years of marriage... dropped the suit... after they allegedly reconciled...Then about 4 months later, Ray again files his divorce papers putting the case back in motion. Hah! Talk about drama..

Imagine 2 kids--Melody and son, Epik--to co-parent, a show mandating you to still have to work together amid a crazy dysfunctional marriage...

Then Bam!! Just like that...
''Let's have a third baby?!''
What exactly are these guys on... Cause if this ain't what trippin' is, I don't else can be..

What do you think about all this? Drop your comments below. Thank you.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Sonko Mike Hearing Updates



Governor Mike Sonko has affirmed that in reality his wife and girl ventured out to New York, United States, however paid for the excursion through close to home methods. 

"My wife saved individual money. The excursion was legitimate and authentic on the grounds that they were both piece of the public authority appointment affirmed by State House," he told Senate. 

Sonko was offering an explanation to allegations that he offered his wife and girl a rich outing to New York City to the detriment of the citizen. 

While being questioned, the lead representative told the Senate whole that "these are simply slanderous attacks. My girl didn't burn through Sh840M. The sum being referred to is just Sh2.6M."

Read Also: Work Life Balance

Nairobi County Assembly Minority Leader Michael Ogada had on Wednesday blamed Sonko for flying his girl in a top notch trip to the US which converted into the misappropriation of public assets. 

Sonko was likewise blamed for breaking public trust by marking the Deed of Transfer of urgent area capacities to the Nairobi Metrpolitan Service while alcoholic, to which he replied, "I was informed that I will be aided and that we will cooperate with the president. I was not informed that the General planned to assume control over the capacities." 

Sonko has considered his arraignment by the Nairobi County Assembly a political witchhunt.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Quote:Work Life Balance


Quote of the day
"When you will be on your deathbed, you sure will NOT wish that you spend more time working."

This is the hard truth, but it needs to be said. In this fast moving modern world, we all feel obliged to put in more hours, more efforts, eking to become and remain more relevant in relation to what is popularly perceived as being successful. In this pursuit, we end losing touch with what actually brings us peace and happiness. The things that we really love doing.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that working is not important but rather, putting emphasis on the importance of striking a balance between what we have to do, work, and what we love to do.

Life is to short to focus most of our energies towards what we do because we have to, rather than what we do, not only because we always want to but even more, love to do, for the joy and serenity it brings us.

Am I making sense?

Saturday, December 5, 2020

WTF: What The Fact: Weird Undercover Agents

 Animals incarcerated for alleged espionage.

You sure won't believe this. You just can't make this up... Here is a list of some of animals incarcerated for alleged espionage.

1. Spy Squirrels Ring Nabbed

In 2007, fourteen squirrels were arrested in Iran. Yes, you read correctly. Fourteen squirrels were spotted near a nuclear enrichment plant and taken in for questioning by the Iranian army. What was their crime? What were they being charged with? Espionage. Apparently they were “spy squirrels.”

2. Spying Pigeon

So apparently, the pigeon above, was captured by Indian police on suspicion it was an 'undercover agent' for Pakistan.The poor bird, booked by the Indian cops as a "suspected spy" according to The Guardian. 

“Nothing adverse has been found, but we have kept the bird in our custody,” senior police superintendent Rakesh Kaushal told local media. 

3. The Snooping Vulture

A Griffon Vulture is seen at the veterinary clinic at the Ramat Gan Safari Zoo, near Tel Aviv January 29, 2016. The vulture from an Israeli nature reserve with an Israeli identification ring and location transmitter was captured by residents of the south Lebanese town of Bint Jbeilon on suspicion of espionage after flying across the border.


Baz Ratner/Reuters

4. The 'OO7' Duck

A French "spy" "duck" in custody in Egypt. 


State media

Several alert Egyptian citizens alerted authorities to what was reported as a 'spy duck' with a surveillance device, or bomb, on its back. Authorities arrested the bird, a French research subject. When a veterinarian established the device was, in fact, a tracker, and the bird was, in fact, a stork, police moved to release the bird. The stork's whereabouts are unknown, but last anyone heard, the stork was waiting for the prosecutor to sign off on its release. But that's not the strangest animal accusation Egypt has made...

5. The Eerie Dolphin

Credits to The World

In another case of Israel supposedly coopting wildlife, a dolphin was acting fishy off Gaza, and attracted the attention of Hamas's Qassam Brigade Naval Commandos. Upon investigating, they found what was described as "a murderer" of a dolphin, equipped with a surveillance package. As usual, no photos of the dolphin nor its equipment were released. The dolphin's whereabouts are unknown.  

Dear reader have you come across such stories, please comment below and share this post.

Thank you!!

Monday, November 30, 2020

Better Relationships:Lets Understand Each Other

 Today I have a slightly unconventional blog post. So as I was composing this post, I asked my brother what he thought about my theme. His feedback wasn't that encouraging. He said, without a second thought or query to my actual meaning/agenda, in his words...

"Utasound mtiaji.."

Meaning that this would, supposedly, comes out somewhat 'noseyish' and snobbish. And don't get me wrong, I sure do respect his opinion but then, I digress, and this is what I think about it.

In as much as I think, obviously he ought to know me good enough to  at the very least, understand me better.. But then, I apparently think that he misunderstands me. This brings me to my point.

A lot of us tend to make the mistake of letting our, usually biased, presumptions, lead us to the, most of times, conclusion that we know whomever we have in our social circles. I too, I must confess, have done this countless times and time and time again I discover how wrong I was.

Currently, realizing how many times I have actually been a victim of being misconceived, in this case, in my very own backyard, gets me rethinking the state of affairs with all my other social, as well as, kindred relative connections. Do I, or even better, Do we really know each other as we ought to? Does this really affect our relationships? 

In my quest for answers I came across this content. I hope you and me will learn something from this.

...You must first understand the walls that people build up, and the barriers that you have placed in your way, too.  

When people reveal themselves to others, the truth only comes to light in layers.

The first layer: is the layer people show to you when you are a stranger. 

The second layer is the one people show when they feel comfortable with you. 

The third personal layer is kept in reserve for those who have intimate relationships with you. 

The fourth layer is the innermost part of people that they don’t share with anyone.

To read others, you need to get through their layers. You don’t have to go all the way to the intimate level, of course, but the farther in your access is, the more reliable your reading will be. 

To read people, you must also remove the barriers you place between you and others. These barriers are your projections and your prejudices. 

Come With Open Hands.

To read people effectively, you must be totally objective, which means having empty hands. You will need to overcome your projections and prejudices too, in order to be objective.

Be patient. Fill your hands slowly with information, so that your conclusions are not rushed. Don’t be so impatient that you miss the big picture. Allow pictures to fully develop, so that you don’t become embarrassed or disappointed...

Citation: How to Analyze People by James Jared

Dear reader, can you relate to this? Please share your thoughts and experiences.

Thank you.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Never Forget:Where we go wrong

 Advice to the younger me:

“Take the classes, the friends, and the family that have inspired the most in you. Save them in your permanent memory and make a backup disk. When you remember what you love, you will remember who you are. If you remember who you are, you can do anything.”

Wisdom from cartoonist Cathy Guisewite.

Totally makes sense, don't you agree?

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Racism: What is this Blacks Lives Matter All About?

Why should black lives matter? #Kenyan2TheWorld

      The identity and dignity the African people, near, far and wide, has been under constant vicious fire for the longest time in history. Racial profiling and actual discrimination anchored upon an individuals skin color, as it seems, has somehow managed to withstand the tides of time. As primitive and barbaric as it has and still undoubtedly is, this vice persists even within the modern world today. Honestly, is it not eerie that even in times like this, we still result to chanting slogans on the streets every now and then just to remind everybody outer that 'Black Lives Matter'?? 
       In as much as this affects our daily lives, the destructive impacts of racism seems to be not clearly relatable to some native Africans. These are the guys just like me, out there, who haven't notably brushed actual shoulders with this unnerving social monster. This thus implies the devastation within attempts of explaining the candid depths of this and hence derive the actual meaning to Racial Discrimination. 

      I came across the following piece of text and I thought it would probably shed some well deserved light to this 'mysterious', if I should say, vice from a historical point of view.


To prohibit illicit carnal intercourse between Europeans and

natives and other acts in relation thereto.

BE IT ENACTED by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Assembly of

the Union of South Africa, as follows:—

1. Any European male who has illicit carnal intercourse with a native female, and any native male who has illicit carnal intercourse with a European female…shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years.

2. Any native female who permits any European male to have illicit carnal intercourse with her and any European female who permits any native male to have illicit carnal intercourse with her shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to imprisonment for a period not exceeding four years….

Born A Crime; Trevor Noah.

I welcome you, Dear Reader, to say something about this.. What do you think?.. Do you have first hand experience with racism? Please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Divine Discontent: The Way to Perfection

 These are wise words from the 'grandfather of advertising', David Ogilvy(1911-1999). He managed to progressively pursue perfection in the art of advertising by basing his practices in the school of thought that; "Being Very is No Good. You ought to be Very, Very, Very Very Good". This is basically how he built the advertising giant Ogilvy & Mather worldwide.

    'We ought to have ah abit of Divine Discontent with our performance. It is an Antidotet o Smugness.' 

- D.O.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Cool Vibes Today.

"It's sadly interesting that the people today tend to relate more with obvious fake vibe and would do just about anything humanly possible, to avoid keeping it real."
Something essential about this young nation, sure is broken and I mean, broken real bad..

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

What's Logical About Love

The mind compares and contrasts
just to make logical choices..
But the heart only feels
and makes an
unbiased choice..
boldly enough
to make you forget
about logic
and start seeing 
the true possibilities
hidden within
 I guess that's why man has never truly understood the logic behind the mystical true love..

Friday, January 17, 2020

Achieving an Actively Progressive & Successful Life.

  Yesterday in my daily hustle and bustle I met this lady kwa gari and after a brief chat, I had learnt a couple of things I think it best to share with you. From our short conversation, I gathered that, she is a mother of 3, two daughters and a son, all married and well established in life. And from the eloquence, attitude and wisdom she clearly projected, I sure would expect nothing less from these kids she has brought up into noble people of substance. So mouth closed and my head drawn towards her I opened my ears and mind ready to capture as much wisdom as I possibly could, in the noisy matatu we were aboard. Now most of the things she told me were clearly founded on The Word of God, read and ministered to her by teachers of the Bible; which was an undisputable fact that she is a proper follwer of Christ. Okay enough of mental analysis of whom I was talking to, that sure elited my conscious interest in what she had to say to me..., here's what I learned..
  To grow into a successful person of integrity and substance, one needs to always pursue a progressive lifestyle.
    Yeah I know this is quite obvious and you might think it goes without saying but her perspective was what really got to me. Paraphrasing what we shared, we all ought to become and always grow FAT. As rediculous as that may sound, this is what she actually meant by F.A.T.... Focused, Available and Teacherable, intriguing don't you think? Now from how she exponded her informed perspective on how to achieve a progressive livelihood that assures success and happiness in life, being and choosing to remain FAT is a sure way of making this possible. You and me were created with an abnormal amount of exponential potential and choosing to settle for what we already have proven to ourselves as possible is in fact misappropriation of all this great abilities to grow into heights unfathomable to any human mind. Quoting words straight from her mouth..,
        "I always told my children that you always need to take on the challenge to keeping soaring higher and higher..never settle for anything, just keep on going, chase your dreams, catch them then dream new dream and go them with the same energy and attitude, always focused and always available to learn and learn some more...."
  And you have it, a great life is all about always being ready to learn, the actual learning and moving on and on.
As easy as that may sound, acheving this, as she wisly told me, starts from learning to positively accepting being rebuked with an active will to work on it and again always being ready to rebuke anyone or anything around you that may be enticing you to lag behind or opt to settle, and that means even more importantly rebuking emotions, thinking patterns, insecurities, weaknesses and fears working within you, that might make settling seem like a viable option at given point of time for whatsoever reasons that might seem valid in an way.
   I challenge you to choose to grow and remain FAT.

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