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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Subj: GEOMETRY OF A BETTER LIFE Remember geometrics..? The topic in about, all the variant forms of figures, shapes and solids.? I do, and recall being taught that a figure is defined as a particular elaborate shape, according to certain specific attribu

GEOMETRY OF A BETTER LIFE Remember geometrics..? The topic in about, all the variant forms of figures, shapes and solids.? I do, and recall being taught that a figure is defined as a particular elaborate shape, according to certain specific attributes in its formation. Even though my hope is that you do... I am not here to take you through one of those 'boring' mathematics classes. I want to take on a simmilar but interesting journey, through my thoughts to make you see life through my eyes. Life sure is a complex phenominal, but when put the knowledge I got from my maths lessons into the picture, I somehow came to see it more clear than I did.. Keep reading and I will tell you how... Of all the shapes I knew, I discovered how brilliant shapes tringles were, and the great Egyptian thinkers made it clear... It is from the idea of this configuration that the legendary and royal strucuters were erected.These are pyramids which are well known to be part and parcel of the Egyptian heritage, up until today. Now after I thoughtthrough this fact, I came discover the relation of life to a tringle. These figures that have three sides, adjoint at three defined points and three angles at each of these junctions resemble this life welive but then there is a catch. The catch is that, man exists within only two dimensionsfixed to each other. This two sides resemble those of an incomplete triangle but in this case are founded two aspects i.e.; a known history and a constantly recurring discovery of the present reality. Therefore, its goes without saying that this renders him, an incomplete being, which is seen in the unsatsified and unstable state he is in. You see why...? T'is because his being lacks the third dimension to be complete. See, right there is where the secret of a successful andcomplete existance lies. The point am trying to convey here is, you and me have a duty todecide,which, how and when to bring in third dimesion into the picture as we please.It is up to you to choose what kind of a third side you want then diga foundation that will keep your life in top shape that is stable as a tringle to stand. But then,until this task of joining the two ends of the pre-existing sides of this unfinished life-triangle is thought of thoroghly then putinto action, living will always remain to be a big challenge, unsatsifying, or even worse end up unsuccessful and probably a total waste. What I mean to tell you is only you can choose, plan and make your future/the unknown as you want it to be, just in time to enjoy the fullness of the life tringle. So that is what the third demension represent in life. Understand that and take my advise and cease dreaming and toiling to make it a reality. I hope I made sense, and that you liked andlearnt something from this session..? Give me your feedbacks

Sunday, June 10, 2012


-Only fools, focus on solving a present problem but are blind to see them recur or even rise another. But, them who are wise, focus is not on simplily sorting out a problem but on learning from it as well as ensuring that they never have to return to deal with it and any other thats resembles the initial one ever again. -You can only give wat you have,take what you can and get what you deserve but it all depends on how you choose to view life.

Friday, June 1, 2012


There was this guy who survived a ship wreck stranded and only managed to save a dog and a pig which were on board. Havin plenty of food and water, and the weather is beautiful, so he's doing alright--but after a few months he gets "lonely", if you know what I mean. The pig starts to look more and more attractive--soft, pink flesh, round buttocks, etc. But every time this poor guy makes an advance towards the pig, the Doberman snarls at him and once almost bit his leg. One day the guy sees a speck on the horizon, so he swims out there and it turns out to be a dinghy, cast adrift, and in the bottom of the boat is a beautiful woman, unconscious. He drags her to shore and brings her into his hut and slowly nurses her back to shore and brings her into his hut and slowly nurses her back to health. Finally she is well enough to walk and she says to him "Thank you, thank you for saving my life. I don't know how I can ever repay you. I'll do anything for you, anything, just name it." The guy thinks for a minute and says "Would you mind taking my dog for a walk?"

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