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Saturday, October 1, 2016



''Real joy comes not from ease or riches or from the praise of men, but from doing something worthwhile.'' -Wilfred Grenfell – 1865-1940, Medical Doctor.

Friday, September 30, 2016


Just as a bee never tires and grow weary from making honey and wax even though men always ambush and steal them over and over again. You were created to bless and do good..and just as the bee don't stop the good works, for they might take your honey and wax but they can never take from the art of making it. So it doesn't matter how much you are unappriciated and mocked for being that beautiful being you were created to be, don't grow weary and tired of what you are.. Always be that blessing you have always been.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

What is eating us up

Look at people around you, look deep and see their face, the unspoken tales of fatigue, anxiety, pain and depression in their impressions.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


the-darkness-and-the-ligh.jpg This is prove that one man can actually change the world. Stay aflame do something no matter how small you deem it, its all we need to make this world a better place.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Have you ever failed in doing anything and you actually thought of giving up? Well I have too and this short story is meant for people like me and you. 'I came to the United States in 1997 from Palestine, and I was 5. So I went to ESL to learn English in elementary school. After learning and somewhat not progressing fast enough, I took this English grammar test and I absolutely bombed it. It was horrible and I felt very bad that I failed miserably. My self-esteem went down because I was thinking, "man, I don't belong here". As a 7-9 year old kid, this took a toll on me because​​ I felt like a disappointment. My teacher talked to my mother, and I will never forget this, instead of my mother criticizing me or being too disappointed, all she said was "it's ok, but I know you are smart and you can do better" . I felt relief that I was not going to be yelled at. This boosted me, and today I am a Research Specialist, reading and writing research papers. So, being positive does really help, especially for children because children remember.' So I hope you see that failing doesn't necessarily mean that you are a failure. Going past your fails takes positive thinking and positive people around you.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Conflict of Feelings


Joke: I Thought I Was Going Deaf.

While driving along the highway, a motorist was surprised to see a police officer motioning for him to pull off the road. The man drove onto the shoulder and rolled down his window. “What’s the matter, officer? Was I going too fast?” “No, bud – it is your wife! She fell out of the car two exits back!” The man sighed, “Oh I’ll be danmed! I thought I’d gone deaf..!” by Spicyjokes.

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