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Friday, January 22, 2021

Quotes of the day.

Quotes of the day

"Life might probably be all about solving problems but, success and victory; certainly is just about knowing what problems to solve; not only to benefit you and 'your own', but even more for the mutual goodness of the society as a whole."

Dear reader, today we invite you to share one or even more of your most memorable quotes and mantras. Feel free to put it/them in the comments section below.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

The Oldest Literature in the world. Timeless Quotes.

 Timeless Wisdom from the oldest surviving literature

"Instructions of Shuruppak"

Did you know the earliest recorded written literature originated in ancient Mesopotamia? The Sumerian civilization first developed writing around 3400 B.C., when they began making markings on clay tablets in a script known as cuneiform.  

So today we feature one of the two oldest literature, that dates back about 4.6 Milleniums. The Instructions of Shuruppak. Shuruppak was the last Sumerian king and passed these words down to his son. The literature is full of emence wisdom that has survived the tides of time and notably applicable to people like you and me. Below are some of the words of this wise king, in their direct comprehendable translation form.

  • A loving heart maintains a family; a hateful heart destroys a family. 
The  Sumerian proverbs version is; 
"A loving heart builds houses. A hating heart destroys houses." 

  • You should not use violence.
  • Nothing at all is to be valued, but life should be sweet. 

You should not 
serve things; things should serve you.

  • The instructions of an old man are precious.
  • A thief is a lion, but after he has been caught, he will be a slave.
  • The night: it can hide both good and evil.
  • The eyes of the slanderer always move around as shiftily as a spindle.
  • You should never remain in his presence; his intentions should not be allowed to have an effect on you.

When it is about someone's else bread, it is easy to say "I will give it to you", but the time of actual giving can be as far away as the sky. If you go after the man who said "I will give it to you", he will say "I cannot give it to you -- the bread has just been finished up".

  • The artistic mouth recites words; the harsh mouth brings litigation documents; the sweet mouth gathers sweet herbs.
  • Heaven is far, earth is most precious, but it is with heaven that you multiply your goods, and all foreign lands breathe under it.
  • At harvest time, at the most priceless time, collect like a slave girl, eat like a queen; my son, to collect like a slave girl, to eat like a queen, this is how it should be.
  • To speak arrogantly is like an abscess: a herb that makes the stomach sick.
  • Fate is a wet bank; it can make one slip

"The elder brother is indeed like a father; the elder sister is indeed like a mother. Listen therefore to your elder brother, and you should be obedient to your elder sister as if she were your mother.

You should not work using only your eyes; you will not multiply your possessions using only your mouth.

You should not speak arrogantly to your mother; that causes hatred for you.

  • You should not question the words of your mother and your personal god.
  • The mother, like Utu, gives birth to the man.
  • Without suburbs a city has no centre either.

It is inconceivable that something is lost forever.
I sure hope that you learnt something, though not new, you agree that wisdom transcend beyond the limits of time. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Steve Biko Quotes; Black Sure is Beautiful

S Biko The African Revolutionist Insights.

So today I was listening to one of the popular local radio shows... The host, Shatta Bwoy, shared something about Black people power, featuring Steve Biko and this post literally wrote itself.

Steve Biko was an anti-apartheid activist and the co-founder of the South African Students' Organization, subsequently spearheading the nation's Black Consciousness Movement. He also co-founded the Black People's Convention in 1972. Steve Biko started his activism at the age of about 24 years and tragically died in detention: 12th of Oct 1977. His death attracted a lot of attension to apartheid invoking a revolution not only in S.Africa but in the entire. The Black people have a lot to thank him for. Biko's death was sure not in vain, he died a hero and is an unchallenged legend to reckon with to date.

So today I have decided to share some of his thought eliting quotes.

“The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."

“I’m going to be me as I am, and you can beat me or jail me or even kill me, but I’m not going to be what you want me to be.”

“Black Consciousness is an attitude of the mind and a way of life, the most positive call to emanate from the black world for a long time.”

“So as a prelude whites must be made to realise that they are only human, not superior. Same with Blacks. They must be made to realise that they are also human, not inferior. “

“A people without a positive history is like a vehicle without an engine.”

“Being black is not a matter of pigmentation – being black is a reflection of a mental attitude. ”

“A Black man should be more independent and depend on himself for his freedom and not to take it for granted that someone would lead him to it. The blacks are tired of standing at the touch lines to witness a game that they should be playing. They want to do things for themselves and all by themselves.”

“If you want to say something radical, you should dress conservative.”

“WOMEN must be at the forefront of nations building to bring the South African citizenry together and, therefore, develop a whole new ethos of human coexistence.”

“Merely by describing yourself as black you have started on a road towards emancipation, you have committed yourself to fight against all forces that seek to use your blackness as a stamp that marks you out as a subservient being."

“In a bid for change, we have to take off our coats, be prepared to lose our comfort and security, our jobs and positions of prestige, and our families… A struggle without casualties is no struggle.”

Steve Biko for sure gave power to the people...and especially the African Black people.

Please share your thoughts and concerns below. Thank you!!

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