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Friday, January 17, 2020

Achieving an Actively Progressive & Successful Life.

  Yesterday in my daily hustle and bustle I met this lady kwa gari and after a brief chat, I had learnt a couple of things I think it best to share with you. From our short conversation, I gathered that, she is a mother of 3, two daughters and a son, all married and well established in life. And from the eloquence, attitude and wisdom she clearly projected, I sure would expect nothing less from these kids she has brought up into noble people of substance. So mouth closed and my head drawn towards her I opened my ears and mind ready to capture as much wisdom as I possibly could, in the noisy matatu we were aboard. Now most of the things she told me were clearly founded on The Word of God, read and ministered to her by teachers of the Bible; which was an undisputable fact that she is a proper follwer of Christ. Okay enough of mental analysis of whom I was talking to, that sure elited my conscious interest in what she had to say to me..., here's what I learned..
  To grow into a successful person of integrity and substance, one needs to always pursue a progressive lifestyle.
    Yeah I know this is quite obvious and you might think it goes without saying but her perspective was what really got to me. Paraphrasing what we shared, we all ought to become and always grow FAT. As rediculous as that may sound, this is what she actually meant by F.A.T.... Focused, Available and Teacherable, intriguing don't you think? Now from how she exponded her informed perspective on how to achieve a progressive livelihood that assures success and happiness in life, being and choosing to remain FAT is a sure way of making this possible. You and me were created with an abnormal amount of exponential potential and choosing to settle for what we already have proven to ourselves as possible is in fact misappropriation of all this great abilities to grow into heights unfathomable to any human mind. Quoting words straight from her mouth..,
        "I always told my children that you always need to take on the challenge to keeping soaring higher and higher..never settle for anything, just keep on going, chase your dreams, catch them then dream new dream and go them with the same energy and attitude, always focused and always available to learn and learn some more...."
  And you have it, a great life is all about always being ready to learn, the actual learning and moving on and on.
As easy as that may sound, acheving this, as she wisly told me, starts from learning to positively accepting being rebuked with an active will to work on it and again always being ready to rebuke anyone or anything around you that may be enticing you to lag behind or opt to settle, and that means even more importantly rebuking emotions, thinking patterns, insecurities, weaknesses and fears working within you, that might make settling seem like a viable option at given point of time for whatsoever reasons that might seem valid in an way.
   I challenge you to choose to grow and remain FAT.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

What the Government Should do|Jokes.

The government should probably change its national symbol to a CONDOM. You know why? Because it reflects the government’s political stance in a seemingly more accurate manner...

Let me illustrate... A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, and gives you a sense of security while you’re actually being screwed. It just doesn’t get more accurate than that.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

You can and will get to where you want to be.

Life is a very interesting set of events, radical and highly unpredictable. You and me think that it is all about doing what everyone else around us think should be done, at a particular point of time, in a given recommended manner and working just hard enough to lose ourselves in the whirlpool of the world but, somewhere along the line, you change, you stop being you, let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you're no good. And when things got hard, you started looking for something to blame like a big shadow. Let me tell you something you already know, the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, it's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, and nobody is going to hit as hard as life, but it isn't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward, that's how a winner is done, because if you wanted to go through all the battling you got to go through to get to where you want to get, whose got the right to stop you and I mean, maybe some of you guys got something you never finished, something you really want to do, something you never said, or something in that matter, and your told no, even after you pay you do's whose got the right to tell you, No? I'll tell you who, nobody, it's your right to listen to your gut and nobody's going to say no until you are where you want to be.

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