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Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Gender is God's divine plan. He created both male and female in His likeness and the best part of it all is that He made sure that both are related from the word go. It is from a man's rib that woman was created because man couldn't do it on his own. So clearly, man needs woman and woman, man. 'Respect that, and have the fullness of life, ignore that and witness the 'folishness' in life, alone'.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Light and dark make a day, Right and wrong describe a deed, Male and female defines a humanbeing, Truth and false determine judgement, Life and death explains an existance, Early and late is all a matter of time, Happy and sad is reaction in depth, Love and hate expounds reletion... This and more is the phenomina, life. But without You and me,living is all in vain...... For YOU, are my reason to love being, a part of this world.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


What is... A day, without nights, High, without lows, Strength, without weakness, Bravery, without fears, Full, without emptiness, Just, without bias, Serenity, without troubles, Sane, without crazies, Success, without fails, Riches, without poverty, Righteous, without wickedness, Love, without abhors, Answers, without questions... ASK YOURSELF... What is the world, without you....? without me.....? without all these and more......? NOTHING.....!! And, thats the truth without lies.

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